Queens of Music- Alexandra Savior
Queens of music
Alexandra Savior -Singer, songwriter, artist, feminist, our Alice in Wonderland @alexandrasavior
How , when & why did you get into music, both writing & performing.
Well, I started performing in school plays as a child, and I always liked dancing, acting, choir, theater, etc. When I became a teenager I was interested in all things creative, I wasn’t great in school, the only classes I really excelled in were English class and French. I started singing when I was 14, playing the ukulele and writing little songs. I never considered it even writing songs, I never really considered I was even singing? I just loved writing and making anything I could. For some reason at age 15, I decided to try out for the school talent show, I got in and sang an Adele song, no one knew I could sing, I didn’t even know. But from then on it seemed like all of my interests in art, writing, and performing would be able to manifest together in this form, so I continued with it and made a career out of it.
What is a Queen in your eyes
I think of the archetype of The Virgin Mary, of woman, or any femme or non binary humans who are able to hold dimensional and contradictory identities with beauty and power, people who are unforgiving.
You've stood your ground in your resurrection within the music industry in terms of concentrating on your art and not compromising when the industry wanted to mould you into something else, do you feel this still happens in the music industry and what steps should women wanting to break into music take to stay true to themselves.
I think manipulation is very present in the music industry, as well as this idea that artists need to be instantly successful financially in order to continue their careers, or they’ll be discarded immediately. Every woman is different, and every person wants different things so I can only really speak to my younger self, I wish I could tell her that she could have taken her time, and that she was the reason for her opportunities, and that she could say no.
Your sonic female empowerment inspires us here at QoA , who is the most inspirational Queen in your life and why.
Thank you! Probably my mom, she’s lead so many different lives, she’s always been good at moving forward and making the best of her life and her situation. She’s a very powerful force.
You have described your home town of Portland, Oregon as a hub of creativity due to the bad weather which forces people indoors to stay in & create, Manchester has the same reputation, producing some of the best musicians in the world and holds a special place in our hearts here at QoA , do you think due to the pandemic, creatives will come out armed with a whole host of goodies for us all to enjoy ?
Haha! Yes I think rain brings some great art. I wish I could say that creatives are going to come out of this pandemic with lots of new material, but most of my friends in the artistic and musical community are finding it difficult to stay inspired. I personally create from constant change and experience, the change we are experiencing, because we are so isolated, feels distant and difficult to comprehend. I don’t think this is a good time for art at all, but it will eventually move forward, I hope. I do think this has been a good time for artists to assess their own ego, and the meaning of their material, so hopefully moving forward we see some more honest and introspective work coming out.
You've described yourself, amazingly, as a feminist angst horror film and your music is filled with honest feminism, how important is feminism to you & what advice would you give to Queens out there who wish to do more.
Haha I hate myself for that quote! Feminism is important to me, but my stand point now that I’ve gotten over a lot of anger I experienced because of feeling I was treated differently due to my sex, has changed a lot. I try to feel the same way I did when I was a young girl, that I am the same as everyone else. My main advice would be to let go of that anger and create from a place of honesty, and understanding of your own privilege rather than your own disadvantages. But also I mean don’t take any shit ladies obviously.
We're big fans of your style at QOA, not just sartorially but your influences in vintage film ,& music which comes across in your art, we're very vintage inspired here at QOA from design to our brand aesthetic , how important is vintage influence to you
Thank you! Vintage influences have always been big in my life, starting as a kid, I think I was always nostalgic for another time. When I was a child my family always listened to old music, we would rummage through garage sales and thrift stores to decorate our house, and I always loved things that were unique from what the kids at school had. Now, with instagram, I think everyone has just become Jane Birkin Barbie dolls basically haha so I am trying to go deeper into folklore and religious symbolism to feel inspired by the past, lots of old movies too!
Your dreamy desert psychedelic album The Archer was released during lockdown with one of your songs from it used in a major fashion labels ad, do you feel fashion and music go hand in hand. What iconic Queen in music do you love & why do you love their style.
I do! Fashion, costume, is a huge way to express yourself as a musician. I have been obsessed with Mary “Our Lady of Sorrows” . There are these insane headdresses of pure gold, and such great emotion shown in her face, the swords through her heart, I just love the idea of expressing women’s pain and the beauty of that sadness. I would do anything to go to a cathedral right now, even though I’m oblivious to organized religion. Also, always Frida Kahlo!