Queens of the Arts- Shiarra Bell

Queens of the Arts

Shiarra Bell -Head of artist relations - Universal music UK, music mentor, working mama, hot wife ,margarita lover, Dubliner. @shishib 

Shiarra is a woman you want on your side, strong, super cool with so much love bubbling under that gorgeous face. Her protector mode goes into overdrive when it comes to her family & friends. 

Her perseverance and belief in herself got her to where she is today within the male dominated music industry and we couldn't be prouder. 

With an instagram feed full of love, support & positivity aimed at womenkind, we are ecstatic to have her feature as our Queen of the arts.  

When did you know you wanted a career in the music industry ?   

I kinda of fell into it really. I was studying psychology and had a chance meet at a night club in Dublin with a record company head and I just asked for a job, not thinking anything would come of it, but suddenly I was on a plane to London to work for London Records and never looked back! I’m so glad I had the balls to ask! 

Has the industry changed from back then compared to now in terms of empowering women ?

Yes, in many ways it has changed for the better. Back then I feel women weren’t taken as seriously as they are now, or given the opportunities to rise through the ranks. However we have a long ways to go in smashing that glass ceiling… it’s happening, but not as quickly as it should be.   I do find that women in my industry are very supportive of one another, and where possible guide and support those coming through. It’s massively important to pull as many ladies up as possible behind you! I have a whole bunch of work wives who are exceptional women in the industry and who are just amazing to watch in action, we are very supportive of each other. 

Your instagram feed is always so full of love, hope and happiness, thanks for finding such amazing content for us all to read ! How important is this to you ?

Well thank you. I feel like the more happiness, love and hope we spread around, the more there will be in the world. It also helps me on a daily basis to find content that lifts me and gives me hope, lord knows we all need hope right now - it’s what will get us through this insanity!  

Do you think music influences fashion? Who's your fashion icon within the music industry ?

 100%, and vice versa, they go hand in hand for me. I have many icons and always find they have a common link somewhere. Bowie, Bush (Kate), Grace Jones, any of the 60’s rock n roll chicks; Jane Birkin, Bianca jagger, those girls were effortless in their style - it’s why I Love the Grace dress it’s so rock n roll!  More recently Miley Cyrus and Roisin Murphy. Gaga is always pushing boundaries and her fearlessness in really going for her art through her music and fashion is inspiring! I’m lucky enough to have worked with some amazing female musicians and watch them develop their style through their music. It’s a thing of wonder! 

What is a Queen to you?

Someone that recognises the greatness in others and is never afraid to support and big up other women to the betterment of all.    Also someone who makes a mean margarita and loves a nerdy kitchen dance off!   

Who are the inspirational Queens in your life and why ?

My list is truly long, I'm a girls girl.  I have many brilliant women in my life, all of who I’ve known a very long time.  The greatest thing about them all is that we support each other in all things love,  work,  families we are all working mamas and some of us are single working mamas and they are truly special women.  Some of my pals are in the public eye and the way they conduct themselves with grace and humour is so inspiring to me    I honestly get a real deep down glow when we spend time together, there’s nothing like basking in the glow of love your friends have for you ! It’s like the ultimate elixir!    My mama is my ultimate queen. She showed me that nothing should stop you from getting where you want to go, there are no limits, and as long as you do everything with the best heart and intentions, you're not going to go far wrong. She worked night shifts as a nurse, came home, got us ready for school, picked us up, fed us, high fived my dad and went back out to work. She then retrained as a therapist and was still doing exams and learning more as I grew up. She made being a working mam look like a privilege, and that’s stuck with me despite the challenges that it throws up in today’s world. Her work ethic while ability to be a loving, hands on Mam, was exceptional ! Not sure I'll ever compare! All that, and she’s my rock, she’s the best Nanna, and gives the best advice. I’m so grateful to her, she’s one of a kind.     I should also shout out our future queens. I have one of my own and I want her to feel unstoppable in anything she chooses to do. She’s a future woman of the world and I want her to approach all she does with a big heart and a steely work ethic! 

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